With Christmas coming up I thought it would be a good idea to get going on my Christmas cards. If you know me at all you know that I am totally last minute. I’m usually quickly throwing some Christmas cards together on Christmas Eve right before I go to bed. However, this year I will have my cards done before Thanksgiving, and it’s my goal to have them written in long before Christmas Eve. That way I can just enjoy the Holiday season with my family.
I put this Christmas card tutorial together today so you can get going on your Christmas cards early too. These cards are easy to make and can be thrown together really quickly. Here is what you need to do.
Items you will need:
Cardstock for Card(color of choice)
Christmas Scrapbook Paper
Paper Cutter
Christmas Stamp
glue dots
To Make the Card:
Before beginning this card make sure you have all the products you need. I got all my paper and card stock supplies at http://www.craftdirect.com/cricut/accessories/paper/cardstock.html, they usually have pretty good deals! I had a few stamps on hand that I used for the writing on the cards and used my old paper cutter.
The first thing you will want to do is make a bunch of blank cards. I usually just make a stack of them at the very beginning. That way you only have to do this step once. To start take an 8.5”x 11” piece of paper and cut it in half horizontally. each piece should now be 4.25”x 5.5”. I had to make 12 cards so I cut 6 pieces of cardstock in half. I used white paper but you could also use red or green for this step.
Once your blank cards have been cut to size, fold them over in half, and then they are ready to go.
The next step is to cut out your Christmas Ornaments for the card. I picked some of my favorite scrapbooking paper and cut them into circles. If you have an electronic cutting machine you could use that instead of scissors to cut your circles.
Next, cut out your ornament toppers. They are similar to the shape of a square.
Once all your ornaments and ornament toppers are cut out it’s time to put the card together. Take your glue dots and attach each piece securely to the card.
After your pieces are nice and secure, you can either draw or attach a ribbon to the card for your lines like shown in the picture.
Then take your Christmas stamp and stamp it wherever you want.
After you place your stamp on your card you are done and ready to write in them.
These cards are super cute and totally easy. You should give them a try!!